James Xenakis, PhD
Statistical Geneticist

James Xenakis, PhD

Expert statistician, mouse geneticist and economist

About James

James is a talented data analyst with decades of experience applying rigorous statistical theory across myriad scientific domains. Originally trained as an economist at The Massachusetts Institute for Technology, James began learning about the sciences while completing a PhD in Biostatistics at UNC-Chapel Hill. After finishing his thesis on the identifiability of effects in recombinant inbred intercross murine models, James continued his scientific training by accepting a position as a post-doctoral scholar in the Genetics lab of Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena. With formal training in both statistics and genetics, James is a great asset to Golgi who offers deep experimental insight to our clients and furthers our efforts to build the most powerful data analysis tools in molecular biology.

Select Publications

  1. Xenakis, J. G., Douillet, C., Bell, T. A., Hock, P., Farrington, J., Liu, T., ... & Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F. (2022). An interaction of inorganic arsenic exposure with body weight and composition on type 2 diabetes indicators in Diversity Outbred mice. Mammalian Genome, 33(4), 575-589.
  2. Crowley, J. J., Zhabotynsky, V., Sun, W., Huang, S., Pakatci, I. K., Kim, Y., ... & Pardo-Manuel de Villena, F. (2015). Analyses of allele-specific gene expression in highly divergent mouse crosses identifies pervasive allelic imbalance. Nature genetics, 47(4), 353-360.
  3. Yu, W., Hill, S. F., Xenakis, J. G., Pardo‐Manuel de Villena, F., Wagnon, J. L., & Meisler, M. H. (2020). Gabra2 is a genetic modifier of Scn8a encephalopathy in the mouse. Epilepsia, 61(12), 2847-2856.